On Friday, June 28th, the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart, Juventutem Michigan will be gathering at Ss. Peter & Paul Westside in Detroit. Confession will be available from 6:00pm until 7:00pm.High Mass will begin at 7:00pm Latin-English Missal booklets & Propers Sheets will be available
Dinner (free-will offering) and social, open to those age 18-35, will follow in the parish hall. All ages are welcome to attend Mass.
Juventutem Michigan is a group of Catholic young adults (aged 18-35) who pursue holiness by attending the Traditional Latin Mass (“TLM”) and by tapping into other timeless traditions of the Faith. Juventutem Michigan is an affiliate of the Fœderatio Internationalis Juventutem (FIJ), whose members work for the sanctification of youth – both at the triennial World Youth Days as well as in the local dioceses and parishes.
Members of International Juventutem Federation have an interest in and love of the Traditional Latin Mass – which is also known as the ‘Tridentine Mass,’ the ‘Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite,’ the ‘Gregorian Mass,’ and the ‘usus antiquior’ (older use).
The name ‘Juventutem’ itself is the Latin word for youth and it appears in the opening lines of the traditional Mass.
Any young (age 18-35) adult Catholic resident of the State of Michigan who is attached to the Traditional Latin Mass can become a member of Juventutem Michigan.
Looking for more information? Contact us!
Email us: [email protected]
Text or leave us a voicemail: (313) 736-5463